Food - In town, you will find little places filled with locals taking benefits of set lunches that are a good experience. These rate is under 16,000 COP. If you're looking for something more excellent, most western food will cost about 25,000 COP, or 15,000 COP if you get eateries food. The drink at the local bar can be found for as little as 3,600 COP. Grocery shopping is not that too expensive, costing about 120,000 COP per week if you are planning on buying your groceries. The most common street snacks are empanadas that are as small as 3,400 COP each.

Transportation - Local transportation is very fair. The city of Medellin, for instance, is only around 3,000 COP for a single fare. However, intercity buses in Colombia are too expensive. While long-distance tour can cost around 160,000 COP single way, fares are sometimes as high as 308,000 COP. A bus in Bogota going to Medellin will cost around 540,000 COP while a bus going to Quito, Ecuador from Bogota will cost around 145,000 COP. Budget airlines tend to be cheaper than buses in Colombia so ensure to check the airline websites for good information. Viva Colombia is a Ryan Air comparable, with an excellent cheap online discount and strict baggage constraints. A flight in Bogota that is going to Medellin, for instance, can be found for as little as 110,000 COP. There are no trains in the country, adhere to flights and buses. For a personal transportation there are taxis, but Uber is also available in a few cities (and it's cheaper).

Climate- The climate in Colombia is not that difficult to generalize it. On the one hand, it is central, so there is very slight difference throughout the year. On the contrary, though, there is such a diversity of landscapes and territories that the country is home to a shocking pattern of climates, from dry, hot desert to humid jungle and cold mountainous regions. 

Within each microclimate, the weather is somewhat related to all year round, though there are hazy wet and dry seasons. The differences in altitude, proximity to the coast and other factors all add to the fact that the hash temperature will alter drastically based on where you are.

Activities - recreational centers are very moderately priced. A journey of a coffee farm can cost as little as 18,000 COP (visit Don Elias in Salento for an special and beautiful journey of a tiny plantation) or as much as 155,000 COP depending on what you're into, while access to the country's many national parks is usually around 46,000 COP (and your license is valid for up to a week).

Suggested daily speeding - 155,000 COP / $50 USD (Note: This is a proposed budget assuming you are staying in a lodge, eating and cooking, and making uses of local transportation. Using the budget idea above, you can always reduce this figures. If you stay in elegant accommodation or eat out extra, expect this to be expensive throughout the country.

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